Thanks to everyone who came out to see us at the Hunt Club on Thursday, despite the chilly weather! It was a much better crowd than we thought we might have, given the day of the week. We had a great time and it seemed like everyone else did, too! Extra thanks to: Those of you who stuck it out to the end, despite having to work the next day; those of you who bought CD’s; those of you who shouted “WEEZER!” between every song; and those of you who wore the color blue. I like the color blue. BLUE!!!!!… Continue reading
Author: Mazus
Find us in this week’s Urban Tulsa!
Awesome news! We’ll be featured in the “Soundcheck” column of this week’s Urban Tulsa! The issue hits the stands on Thursday, so be sure and pick up a copy before you come to the Hunt Club show!… Continue reading
Come celebrate the official release of our first album, The Ballad of Shorty Long, on Thursday Nov. 10, on the Hunt Club’s awesome heated patio! Pick up our new album (and a super-secret bonus-disc) for $5! The Hunt Club is at 224 N. Main Street, Tulsa OK. Show begins at 9pm, with The Big O Show opening. Continue reading
Our whole album, The Ballad of Shorty Long, is now available for free streaming on Grooveshark! Just type “Dachshund” in the search box, and then look under “Album Matches” for “The Ballad of Shorty Long.” Beware, however, of those bogus Dachshund-imposter tracks!
Our new album – Now available in the Store!
Why should you purchase “The Ballad of Shorty Long?” Well, for starters, it tastes better than rusted sheet-metal! And! And! It makes a handsome coaster. And to top it off, it doesn’t sound half bad… Continue reading
It recently came to our attention that there’s another musical act named “Dachshund.” This “other” Dachshund, whom I will refer to from now on as “Evil Dachshund,” plays “dance” music, in “dance” clubs, and is purportedly “European.” We are not that guy. Continue reading

Two very new tracks from our 9/24/2011 show at Chelsea’s in Eureka Springs! Landlocked State, and Gary. Continue reading
Introducing the Endless Mixtape…

One or two of you might wonder what happened to the “Track of the Week” feature? The truth is, it proved to be too much work for a feature that didn’t seem to attract many listeners. But we still like the idea of posting recordings that would never see the light of day on an “album” release — (What to call them? Bonus tracks? B-sides?) — so I’ve replaced the “Track of the Week” feature with a new one, called “Endless Mixtape.” Continue reading