Our whole album, The Ballad of Shorty Long, is now available for free streaming on Grooveshark! Just type “Dachshund” in the search box, and then look under “Album Matches” for “The Ballad of Shorty Long.” Beware, however, of those bogus Dachshund-imposter tracks!
Category: Music

Two very new tracks from our 9/24/2011 show at Chelsea’s in Eureka Springs! Landlocked State, and Gary. Continue reading
Introducing the Endless Mixtape…

One or two of you might wonder what happened to the “Track of the Week” feature? The truth is, it proved to be too much work for a feature that didn’t seem to attract many listeners. But we still like the idea of posting recordings that would never see the light of day on an “album” release — (What to call them? Bonus tracks? B-sides?) — so I’ve replaced the “Track of the Week” feature with a new one, called “Endless Mixtape.” Continue reading