Dachshund has made it into the second round of competition in KMOD’s 2016 Rocklahoma Madness contest! Thanks to everyone who helped us get this far by casting your votes. But now the heat is on, and if we wanna get any further, we have to beat Grind, a local hard-rock band who currently has a lot more votes than we do. Help us win a slot at Rocklahoma! Go to http://goo.gl/0oMHvi, and cast your vote for Dachshund! If you’ve voted already, vote again! This contest does allow multiple votes. (Just make sure you refresh your browser window after casting each… Continue reading
Tag: facebook
Our new album is available starting TODAY on CDBaby.com! Go check it out! And don’t forget to join us on April 1 for our CD-Release party at Venue Shrine in Tulsa!
http://goo.gl/CcuLCo… Continue reading

Hark! Music from the new album! Consider this the first single we’re releasing from “Crooked House.” I know that phrase, “first single,” is a little obsolete in these days of digital binging. But we kind of like the old-school aesthetic. At any rate, this is also the first track from the album, and a proper introduction to the content contained within.
Neglected to post about this yesterday, but: Damn! David Bowie! Sorry to see the man go! His influence ran deep for many, ourselves included.
What I can’t get over is the man’s dedication to his art. He was a performer who never stopped trying to innovate, never stopped seeking that next great sound, even as he grew into that age when most of his contemporaries had long since resigned themselves to nostalgia, or had lapsed into self-parody. Sick with cancer, and knowing the end was drawing near, he even recorded a final album — Blackstar — released on his… Continue reading
The mixdown of the new album is finished! It’s called “Crooked House.” It contains 13 tracks. It has a slightly conceptual slant, and a vibey, cinematic feel. We think it sounds fantastic.
We’re waiting on the artwork to be completed, and it still needs to be mastered, but the hardest and longest (heh heh) part of the job is done. Weighing all factors, we’re thinking of giving it a Spring release-date. Expect more details as we get closer to releasing this puppy. — from http://ift.tt/LG4VCL… Continue reading
We are now Smartphone-Friendly!
Ryan’s been working on a smartphone-friendly version of our website, because he knows just how important it is for you to have some Dachshund in your pocket. :)
According to our extensive laboratory tests (basically, we checked the site on Ryan’s iPhone), the mobile site is up and functional. So if you’re one of the smartphone-carrying set, try viewing the site on your device, and see how it looks!… Continue reading
Dachshund plays Undercurrent in Tulsa TOMORROW NIGHT! If you’re coming out, take note that the set-times have changed since they were initially posted! Doors open at 6:30, show starts at 7pm. We’ll be up last, at 12:25am. Obviously we’d encourage you to come early and stay for the whole thing — but if that’s not quite your speed, and you’d rather just catch us, show up around midnight and you’ll get your witching-hour’s money’s worth!
For the full schedule and more information, visit the event page:
http://ift.tt/1mQP4wt… Continue reading

So, we’ve got this little show coming up…
It’s 8 bands, all of ’em pretty raucous, and we should be in the mix later in the evening, for just under an hour. If you’re on Facebook, join the event and let us know you’re coming! We’ll see you on Sunday, July 27, at Undercurrent! Continue reading