

So after band rehearsal the other night, Eric and I were standing out in his front yard. It was 11:55pm. And apparently, the guy a couple houses down decided it was a great time to mow the lawn… Continue reading

So after band rehearsal the other night, Eric and I were standing out in his front yard. It was 11:55pm. And apparently, the guy a couple houses down decided it was a great time to mow the lawn. Eric and I watched in wonder as he set to work as if it was mid-day — just mowing away with great gusto, the buzzing and puttering of his gas-powered lawnmower echoing around the cul-de-sac.

“What’s up with that?” I wondered aloud.

We speculated that he might be drunk or stoned or whatever, but he didn’t look it.

“And besides,” Eric said, “That’s the second time this week he’s mowed the lawn at midnight. If the guy does it once, you figure he might be confused or drunk or whatever. But if he does it twice, it’s gotta be intentional.”

Finally I said, “You know what it is? Revenge-mowing. His neighbor must mow the lawn during the day, when he’s trying to sleep. So he’s mowing the lawn at midnight to get back at him.”

We never did find out the real story…

2 replies on “Revenge-Mowing!”

Nice theory! Could be. But then, I don’t know how he expects to fight loud noise with more loud noise, at around the same time of night. I would think, to revenge-mow our band rehearsals, he would have to wait until early morning to mow his yard. And that plan would fail anyway, because if you’re mowing in the morning, then you’re just mowing at the same time as other “normal” people, so it doesn’t register as anything unusual. Plus, his house is far enough from Eric’s that the noise wouldn’t wake Eric up. Nice try, but no cigar.

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